martes, 11 de marzo de 2014


The topic about Smart Homes and how they operate is an active research. Smart Homes usually function through sensors and control system which most of the times work through internet connection. There’s a ZigBee technology which announced a ultra-long battery chip. This chip controls the Smart Home joining all services into one.
How do Smart Homes operate? They provide a system where the services join all into one, where sensors are no longer tied to single applications. For example, a room's motion sensor can be used for the security system as well as for the home health system and turning on and off the lights as well as the heating system. This sensor can even be used to recognize a family member and play their music. These are all connected to the internet using a cloud-based intelligence using ZigBee technology. For more information visit the article.

Lomberg, J.(2014. Design Talk. Electronic component news.58(1), 28-31. Retrieved from <a href="">DESIGN TALK.</a>

In this article the Green Peak Technologies Smart Home company, announced a new chip offering the new ZigBee Pro. This features low cost energy harvesting and ultra long battery life. The ZigBee Pro green power controller is a system-on chip solution designed to run on a single battery for many years. This chip makes it easy to develop low cost and  self powered Smart Home applications. In other words, ZigBee offers green and global wireless standards connecting devices to work together and help you control your world. To learn more read the following article.
GreenPeak Technologies. (2012).GreenPeak Launches GP410-ZigBee PRO Green Power chip, Business wire. Retrieves from <a href="">GreenPeakLaunchesGP410-ZigBeePROGreenPowerchip</a>


Disadvantages of Smart Homes

                   In this article I'm going to show you the disadvantages of a smart home. First of all the cost of an intelligent home that makes our lives convenient is high because some of the technology is relatively new, not many people have that kind of money to build a home like that. Another thing is that the smart homes have a video surveillance and a lot of stuff that you control by a phone or a computer if that kind technology falls into the wrong hands, issues of privacy can occur, if the security feeds from the video and sensor fall into the wrong hands, your smart home could be monitored by those who have managed to hack it.

Lin, P. Disadvantages of a Smart Home.  eHow. Retrieved from

Not only do smart homes use a lot of energy but also they decrease interaction between family members or friends, because they are too caught up in the technology. You never feel free in your own home since the house is in control, less privacy, everything you do is recorded breakfast, lunch, what time you go out and come back and you always feel watched.

Chan, M., Campo, E., & Esteve, D. (n.d.) Smart homes Current features and future perspectives. Maturitas. Retrieved from